b'The landmark 2019 SECURE Act ushered in the most significant retirement plan legislation in more than a decade. With a PEP, youcan breathe easyOne of the most important provisions was the creation of pooled employer plans (PEPs), designedWhen you join the YouThrive PEP, youre specifically to eliminate barriers that traditionallyable to offload many complex aspects of keep businesses from offering a retirement savingsrunning a retirement plan to CapSouth Wealth plan. Management, the plans 3(38) Investment Fiduciary, and to Newport, the plans pooled A different way to 401(k) plan provider (PPP) allowing you to focus on your business.A pooled employer plan (PEP) is a new way for employers like you to offer a 401(k) planto their employees. FIDUCIARY SERVICESUnlike a traditional workplace 401(k), where the employer is faced with managing a complex listTogether we serve as your:of requirements, the PEP is administered by a single pooled plan provider (PPP)Newport, an Ascensus company. Employers of different sizes, from different industries and geographic areas,402(a) Named Fiduciary: We are the plan can pool together under this PPP to provide a singular retirement plan to all their employees. administrator. We select and monitor all Since the PPP handles most of the administrative and management responsibilities of the plan,service providers to the plan other than employers are able to reduce their costs, liability, and workload while enjoying plan services andnamed fiduciaries or providers hired by you. efficiencies typically reserved for only the largest companies. We also assume discretionary authority for nearly all of the traditional plan sponsors WHO DOES WHAT IN A PEP? responsibilities.3(16) Administrative Fiduciary: We are In a traditional, single-employer 401(k) plan, the daily operations and fiduciary risk are your responsibility. responsible for ensuring required disclosures In the YouThrive PEP, you outsource most of that responsibility to us. are distributed to plan participants and beneficiaries and for filing most reports TraditionalYouThrive PEP with the government. We maintain required 401(k) Plan plan information, data, and reports. We also NewportCapSouthmanage and approve all plan distributions.Responsibility You PPP 3(38)* YouActs as 402(a) named fiduciary P P 3(38) Investment Fiduciary: CapSouth has Acts as 3(16) administrative fiduciary P P discretionary authority over plan investments and is responsible for the selection, Reviews, signs, and files 5500 P P monitoring, and management of the plans Reviews and signs off on compliance testing P P investment menu.Prepares/approves required notices/reports P PSelects and works with plan auditors P PDiscretionary 3(38) investment manager P PReviews/approves/signs off on all distributions P P*Along with acting as your plans 3(38) Fiduciary, CapSouth Wealth Management serves as both the corporate consultant to the PEP as well as its Participant Experience provider. From plan design to participant education, we believe a successful retirement plan is compliant, cost-effective and reinforces your commitment to your employees.POWERED BY|ASCENSUS'