b'The support you need, when you want itWhether youre setting up your first retirement plan or converting an existing one, a dedicated team will help you every step of the way. Get up and running quickly with full support. A dedicated relationship manager will be your primary contact to help keep your plan running smoothly.Flexible plan design to meet your needsONBOARDING PROCESSAlthough there are certain features that most plans typically utilize, we know that every companyYou or your advisor submit completed and signed letter of intentis differentand we can tailor plan design elements to best support your organization.We work with you as the adopting employer to gather the necessary documentationIf you have an existing plan, our team works Best Practice Other Options with you as the adopting employer through the transfer of assets processSafe HarborACA safe harbor Standard safe harborDesign QNEC safe harbor We support you as the adopting employer with Automatic enrollment for new hires enrollment and educationAutomatic orAutomatic savings increases (opt-out) Voluntary enrollment via Quick EnrollVoluntary Default QDIA investment Opt-in savings increases Go live with your planRe-enrollment at scheduled frequencyAfter your plan is active, youll receive ongoing Eligibility60-day, 90-day or 1-year Age minimums support from your relationship managerRequirements Monthly or quarterly entry dates Able to exclude employee classesPre-Tax EmployeeRoth After-TaxContributions Catch-upYou also have access to our award-winning, easy-to-Rollovers use plan sponsor website, which offers quick ways EmployerSafe harbor match, enhanced match, orDiscretionary match or enhanced match to access plan information:Contributions non-elective contribution Discretionary profit sharingOn-demand reportsVestingImmediate vesting 3-year cliff Customizable ad-hoc reportingRequirements Same schedule for all contribution types 5-year gradedNormal Retirement Age (65) 6-year graded Contribution posting and statusMinimum $1,000, one loan at a time Access to participant-level detailParticipantInterest rate: Prime +1% Up to two loans at one time Automated alertsLoans Paid through payroll deduction Reviews, distribution and loan activitiesDue and payable upon terminationIn-service (after age 59)PlanHardship (from all sources) Birth and adoptionDistributions Termination, disability, death Natural disastersRequired minimum distributions (RMDs)POWERED BY|ASCENSUS POWERED BY|ASCENSUS'