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Category: Investing

Let’s talk about October

imagesCAPCS5EGOctober: [ok-toh-ber] n. from the Latin marketus volatilitus. Nope, totally made that up.  Just a silly carryover from some science homework I’ve been helping my son with. Nothing to see here. But plenty to see below in this quarter’s addition of Ask a CFA with Marshall Bolden.

Marshall, put into perspective, please, the volatility we’re seeing in October.

There is a reason websites like Hotwire and Priceline have done so well, why retail stores are packed the day after Thanksgiving, or why ‘buy one get one free’ on certain cereals always works on me…most people enjoy feeling like they got a great bargain. I often find that this line of thinking does not carry over into investments in the stock market though. Now I certainly recognize that buying consumer products and investing have some differences, but the primary point is that, in both cases, lower prices usually means a better deal and higher satisfaction. I want to devote this update primarily to exploring this conundrum.

The Investment Update I wrote in January this year delved into market valuations – mainly the price/earnings or P/E ratio. At a basic level these valuation measures indicate the price we are paying for a stock or a group of stocks. As I noted in the January commentary, the long-term average P/E ratio of the S&P 500 index (large U.S. stocks) is around 15. So we could say the normal price is 15. If I know a pair of shoes normally sells for $75, I currently want or need those shoes, and I can buy them now for $50, I’m probably going to purchase them and feel good about doing so. And this thinking carries over to almost anything else I would purchase. But this gets a little fuzzy if we start talking stocks though.

Due to the recent pullback in the various stock markets I’m starting to hear questions about reducing risk, or reducing stock exposure. Let me be the first to say this is a question worth asking. I believe we have to explore why stocks have seen a pullback though before determining the appropriate action. If the declines are due to some fundamental factors (these are discussed further down), there may be good cause to consider reducing stock exposure. But if declines appear to be more a function of just the stock market doing its normal thing (volatility and periodic declines are normal) or of overreaction to some short-term fears or news, then we may be missing a bargain and acting contrary to what we would do on any other product. The appropriate action in this case may be to take advantage of the bargain, or to increase stock exposure.

So we need to look at the current price of the stock markets and what we believe has led to the recent declines. In evaluating various markets, it appears to me that current P/E ratios and other valuation measures have definitely improved over the last few months and are now slightly below their long-term average valuations. Sounds like there may be a sale going on. Reducing or eliminating stocks now may not be a good idea, unless we believe there is a fundamental reason or justification for stock markets to be declining.

If you listen to enough “experts” you can find hundreds of explanations for the recent declines, ranging from deflationary fears in the U.S., China’s economy slowing down, stagnant European growth, Russia’s intentions in Ukraine, ISIS in Syria and Iraq, Ebola fears, the Federal Reserve raising rates, etc. I will not address all these so that this commentary does not turn into small book. I will say that some of these issues could affect our view of the stock markets, but most of these (barring major changes) do not cause us much worry as to long-term stock market values.

I believe the important things on which to remain focused are the current and projected state of the U.S. economy, the expected growth of corporate earnings, and the current price of the stock markets. These are the fundamental issues that will primarily determine our view of stocks. I believe all three of these look favorable now. As stated above, the price (or P/E ratio) was looking a little high earlier in the year but now appears to be a little below average (or on sale). The U.S. economy has experienced growth the last several years – nothing spectacular, just consistent – and is projected to continue the trend or for the pace to even increase. Corporate earnings have also seen consistent growth for several years, and this is projected to remain the case the next couple years. So, considering these factors, we have a fairly optimistic outlook for U.S. stocks.Stock Market Traffic Sign Isolated

This is not to say the short term will not be volatile or that we won’t see any more losses. I’ve said in the last two Investment Updates that at some point stocks we would most likely see a 10% pullback or more and that volatility would increase. Markets do not rise forever in a straight line. There always has been and always will be disruptions, pullbacks, volatility, etc. This bull market had gone much longer than average without any disruption. The important things to remember are that long-term stocks have always gone up and that these more uncomfortable periods are often the best entry points, or the best times to increase risk because these are often the sales…those same sales we seek in every other area of life.

Let me draw one other real world comparison before discussing portfolio changes. Raise your hand if you rushed out to sale your house in 2008-2010 because the price of it was declining. Some people may have sold due to moving to another city, wanting more space, or some other reason, but few sold because the price was declining. That is because we know houses are long-term assets, we do not pay much attention to the value, and we expect that the price will rise in the long run. I believe it would be best to view stocks in a similar way. There are planning reasons to sell stocks when the price has dropped.

Excepting these, if we’re invested for the long term and have no changes in goals, what happens today or next week doesn’t make much of a difference; watching daily valuation changes is not important or productive. Your house is probably worth more now than it was 5 years ago. Your stock accounts (unless you sold in the 2008-2009 downturn) should easily be worth more than they were at the 2007 or 2008 peak. And I’m guessing if we hold steady through this turbulence, a few years down the road we’ll be much better off than we were when the markets peaked in the summer of 2014 and then fell from the highs.

Portfolio Update

Taking into account everything said above, it is our job to constantly evaluate what is happening in the markets and to adjust when we believe it is appropriate. This almost never means wholesale changes or jumping into cash, back into stocks, and so forth; I don’t know of any investors who have consistently succeeded at this type of market timing. Instead it means we are trying to find the values within different areas of the stock and bond markets and to take advantage of them. It also means we will make small shifts in exposure between stocks and bonds when this appears warranted.

When I see 10-15% declines, my normal course of action is to try to determine what caused this and then to determine if I can buy on sale. Both small company US stocks and MLPs have had such declines, and I’m beginning to get excited about the potential of buying on sale. International stocks are down over 15% in some cases, but I’m a little more cautious in this area because there are some fundamental issues that may justify the declines. The point here is that we look at many different areas on a case by case basis before deciding whether we think the falling values are justified or whether we think there is a chance to buy an asset on sale.

As we move forward, I think there is a good chance that we will increase our stock exposure, and that this will primarily involve increasing U.S. stock exposure with partially offsetting decreases to international stock exposure. On the bond side, we decreased risk with the changes made in July. I would anticipate keeping our bond risk about the same moving forward, but the overall bond allocations may decrease depending on how much exposure we add to U.S. stocks.

Marshall Bolden, CFA
Vice President, Chief Investment Officer

Ask a CFA: A Review of 1st Quarter 2014







Today’s CFA: Marshall Bolden, CFA
Vice President & Chief Investment Officer
 CapSouth Partners


Q:      So Marshall, describe for us the first quarter of 2014, and specifically address the topic of volatility.

A:      The first quarter of 2014 was an interesting one from many perspectives. Stocks were volatile, commodities finally had a positive return, Russia and Ukraine grabbed plenty of headlines, and interest rates actually fell. The result of all of this was nearly positive returns across the board for the quarter; emerging market equities were the only major exception. Of these topics, I’m going to spend the most time discussing volatility in the stock market.

Stock Market Volatility

I believe the relatively calm U.S. equity markets of the last two years, paired with nice gains, have probably made a lot of investors more comfortable than we should be. As evidenced by the chart below, 2012 had volatility that was a little below average, and 2013 was one of the most placid years of the last 34. The grey bar is the S&P 500 return for each calendar year, and the red dot and number indicate the worst decline experienced during the year. So for 2013 the return was 30% while the largest pullback was 6%.

The chart indicates the average intra-year drop is 14.4%. Of the 34 years shown, 19 had a pullback of at least 10%. The 6% pullback of 2013 was very low; only two years (1993 & 1995) saw a maximum decline that was smaller. We’ve had two calm years now, but you can see there were other calm periods that lasted even longer (1991-1996 and 2004-2007).

These facts were the most interesting nuggets I got from the chart. I point them out not to scare anyone but to set realistic expectations going forward. U.S. stocks cannot have much less volatility than we saw in 2013. And while the volatility could definitely remain low going forward there is really only one direction it can go…up.You may have noticed lately that stocks have seemed more volatile so far in 2014. As the chart shows, we’ve had a 6% pullback already this year, equaling last year’s worst. It would be my “educated” guess that volatility remains a little more elevated this year. Simply having such low volatility last year is the first reason. The other ties in the theme of last quarter’s commentary that U.S. stock valuations look a little high and the fact returns were so strong in 2013. I just believe we might have a little more back and forth this year.It would not shock me to have a 10-15% pullback this year. As we’ve already seen, this would just make 2014 a more “normal” year, and I don’t believe it would be anything to get concerned about. As long as corporate earnings continue to rise and the economy continues its slow growth, my position is that any decline of this magnitude would probably be a buying opportunity. We are definitely not going to attempt to time (get more conservative in anticipation of) any increased volatility or market pullback. There is no guarantee any larger pullbacks will occur this year, and we certainly don’t know when it will be if it happens. I just want everyone to be aware that volatility may increase going forward, that this would be normal and that market fundamentals still appear to be fairly strong.Russia & UkraineI’ve had a few questions concerning this situation lately and thought it would be good to share my thoughts. At this point the Crimean peninsula is most likely going to stay Russian. Russia has troops on the Ukraine border, Ukraine rebels are causing some issues, eastern Ukraine is pro-Russia, and civil war is a possibility. While humanitarian issues could certainly arise from all this, these issues alone should not cause much impact on the U.S. investment markets. The Russia/Ukraine issue would have to morph into a much larger issue to begin having a long-term economic impact in the U.S. and the rest of the non-European world. There is some potential for market or economic impact on Europe, and, as we currently have some European investments in select strategies, we will continue to monitor the situation and to evaluate any changes and their potential impact.

Portfolio Thoughts

We did not make any changes to our Risk-Based or Genesis portfolios in the first quarter. Both the Market Opportunity portfolio and the CapSouth Value portfolio had a couple small changes. At this point I still do not anticipate any major changes in the short term to any of our portfolios. We are still positioned pretty neutrally in regard to our splits between stocks and bonds. Until some area of the market begins to either look cheap or overpriced, we will keep our current allocations pretty steady. I could still see us tweaking some things over the next few months, but these would just be minor adjustments.

In conclusion, I hope this commentary has been informative and worth your while. I generally get some feedback each quarter from readers and always love to hear your thoughts and/or questions that arise from these updates. So please feel free to contact me or someone else at CapSouth with any questions or feedback. And, as always, thanks for the trust you place in me and CapSouth; we’re honored to have the opportunity to work with you!


Marshall Bolden, CFA
Vice President, Chief Investment Officer

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Investment Risk

Ever think about the risks you take in a given day?  There are the obvious ones, like driving, playing hooky from work or school, leaving your sunroof open, buying the big bag of M&Ms, or maybe trusting that your son won’t invite his friend’s mom into the house while you’re in your boxers…not that that would ever happen to anyone.  What about these:  insurability, inflation, interest rate, or investment risk?

Let’s talk investment risk for a moment.  Simply put, investment risk could be defined as the chance that an investment’s actual return will be different than expected.  If your retirement savings is invested in the stock market, then we can all agree, you’re taking some degree of risk.  To which some of you may say, “Aha! See! That’s why my money’s in cash!” Then let me introduce you to another type of risk:  opportunity cost risk.

Risk.  It’s an unavoidable consideration. You’re going to face it one way or another.  It’s the proverbial double-edged sword.  It can be hard to live with, but can you afford to live without it?  And I’m sure a host of other catch phrases might apply here. And please know, this is not a topic we’re going to solve in a blog post. Rather, investment risk is a topic you should discuss with your advisor as he or she should be in the best position to give you such counsel. But I will offer food for thought:

Why take more risk than you need to?

That’s somewhat of a rhetorical question as I wouldn’t likely recommend taking more risk than you need to. But if you really want to answer that question, you’ll first have to define the word “need”.

[Qualifier:  We’re talking about risk in the context of investing and saving for retirement. And then there’s the matter of allocation and diversification of stocks, bonds and cash equivalents. That’s a conversation for another blog.]

So, to help us define our need:

  • What are my/our goals for retirement?
  • When do I/we plan to retire?
  • How much will I/we need to live off of during retirement?
  • What about college funding or weddings?
  • What about health insurance after I/we retire?
  • What would happen to my family if I/we were to pass away this year?

And no doubt, this is not an all-inclusive list. While reading these, a host of other questions may have come to mind…which is good. That was the goal of the blog in the first place.  The above, and the ones that came to your mind, will help you define your need.  And the answers to those questions will serve as the infrastructure on which to build an investment strategy you believe will help you accomplish your goals.

Ask your questions. Make a plan. Start today.



CapSouth Partners is a registered Investment Advisor

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