How to Get Prior-Year Tax Information

How to Get Prior-Year Tax Information
Tax day 2018 has passed—and for American taxpayers, it was one of the last reminders of 2017. The IRS instructs filers to retain tax information and supporting documents for at least the 3 previous years.
Taxpayers who used tax-filing software for the first time and who don’t have copies of their returns may order tax transcripts of previous-year returns from the IRS. The transcripts provide a summary of a tax return.
Taxpayers seeking to obtain transcripts need to have the amount of their adjusted gross income to validate their identities. For more information, go to Validating Your Electronically Filed Tax Return.
The IRS advises taxpayers to first check with the provider of the tax software they used or their tax preparer before contacting the agency for the information. The IRS charges a fee for providing prior-year returns. The transcripts, however, are free.
It takes 5-10 days to get tax transcripts ordered online or by phone after the IRS receives the request. It takes about 30 days to get tax transcripts ordered by mail and about 75 days for tax returns.
Here are 3 ways to order transcripts:
- Go to Get Transcript on the agency’s website.
- Taxpayers may call 800-908-9946.
- Taxpayers may use Form 4506-T or Form 4506T-EZ to order by mail.
Tip adapted from[I]
IRS, Prior-year Tax Information, Tax Day, Tax Documents, Tax Information, Tax Return