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Tag: Financial Wisdom

Lessons For Any Season

When I was a kid, Roswell was but a small rural town about 25 miles north of Atlanta. Not at all the seamless expanse of Atlanta that it is today.  Life seemed to move at a much slower pace then. News didn’t travel as fast, divided highways weren’t even a thing, and kids still used words like “sir” and “ma’am”.  And there were consequences when those words weren’t used, as I can attest.  Both of my parents worked outside of the home, and I spent a good deal of my summer breaks at Grandmom and Pop’s house. Pop worked the majority of his career at Lockheed Martin assembling airplane engines as I recall. Upon retiring from Lockheed Martin, he continued working in his other responsibility – that of a farmer.  If it could be grown, they grew it. And if they grew it, they ate it. Every bit of it. Nothing went to waste.

Forty-five years ago this summer, I spent 24 hours with my grandparents that I’ll not soon forget. Nothing out of the ordinary and certainly not by today’s standards, anyway.  It was just your run of the mill stifling hot day in June. But on this day observations were made, lessons were learned, and the takeaway has never been forgotten. Some lessons may be learned the hard way, folks may say.  That is, from personal and painful experience. And then other lessons aren’t hard at all. They’re blessings, actually. (Maybe they’re both blessings. An article for another day, maybe.)   Both can be experiences that leave a mark and one you won’t soon forget. Financial lessons are no different in that regard. You learn them, you remember them, and you instill the virtue of a lesson learned with those you love.

In my tenure as an advisor working with clients and 401(k) participants, there’s a certain sensibility, and I’m speaking in generalities here, that my more seasoned (older) clients seem to live with than maybe my younger clients. That is, clients representing an older generation tend to appear more comfortable with financial pressures or realities? And why would that be? Is it merely the fact they made it through them?  Mmm…it goes deeper than that, I think. I’ve compiled a small list of common life and financial life lessons I’ve heard (and learned) from my elders:


  1. It’s better to go to bed wanting, than owing.  And of course we’re talking about debt. Did you know we’re currently at an all-time high in our country for consumer debt? The largest increase coming from – you guessed it – credit card debt1. And the irony is that particularly in times of higher inflation, you’re better served paying down debt, not increasing it. While your single dollar won’t buy nearly as much as it used to, that same single dollar will still pay off one single dollar of debt. My clients talk of the lack of patience or the need for instant gratification in some of their much younger family. A common response to a want or need from the younger generation if they don’t have the cash?  “I’ll just charge it.”  For many of our parents or grandparents, there was a time when instant gratification wasn’t even a thing.  Gratification was more about the receipt of the blessing rather than the timing of it.  With respect to what you’d like to have and what you’d like to have now, consider, it’s better to go to bed wanting than owing.
  2. It’s about When and How Much. Ruminating on regret may lead to helplessness, depression, low self-esteem and may create the perfect environment for anxiety. (Just ask me. I can tell you all about it.) The two most common financial regrets I’ve heard from folks in their later years:  I wish I’d saved more, and I wished I’d started earlier.  You may recall hearing the following from your elders when you were your children’s or grandchildren’s age, “You need to be saving your money.” (Side note: I said that twice yesterday to two different kids.) Why do you think older folks are always saying that?  Because they know the importance of being good stewards of their money, and more likely, they were young once.  Older folks were raised in a completely different world than my teenagers and young 20 somethings currently are. Our parents and great grandparents spoke from experience, from scars, or perhaps from the appreciation of making wise decisions. If you’re reading this article, it’s almost a guarantee that your elders didn’t take financial (or life) advice from an 18-year-old social media influencer peddling purses or fat-loss routines. (Don’t get me started.) As one client told me, “Have the discipline to start saving now for the life you want to live in the future. Your future self will thank you.”
  3. List for Living. In 2023, there was an article published by The Legacy Project: Lessons for Living from the Wisest Americans. Sweet Ms. Verna, 91, wrote a List for Living for her great grandchildren. I’m quite confident none of us reading this article have attained 91, so let us marinate on a few points of her wisdom, shall we?

a) So many things in the world have changed since the time of my grandparents and parents and the earlier times of my own life, and I know that there will be lots of changes in your lifetime too.

b) I hope you will be a positive thinker, not negative or cynical; look for the good in people and things, and fill your life with love, kindness, and thoughtfulness for others.

c) Most important is to know God as you go into the future. I would hope that you will know the peace and joy and courage that comes from following a life of love and service – the peace that passes all understanding.

d) Your real success in life lies is the kind of person you become, not with how famous or wealthy you are, so my most sincere wish is for you to live the wholesome life that will lead you to make good choices along the way… You can do it.

It stands to reason the period you grew up in has a lot to do with how you filter life experiences.  My grandparents were teenagers in the Roaring Twenties and were 20 somethings during the bleak years of the 30s. As many have learned – though it’s possible some reading this may have had little exposure to The Great Depression – the 30s were a decade of economic volatility, if not misery. The unemployment rate (defined as the percentage of people in the labor force who do not have a job but are actively looking for one) was in the mid-teens for nearly half the decade and in the low to mid 20s for the rest!  Without a doubt, my grandparents faced an economic reality that I can only imagine, but not fully appreciate.  But theirs was an experience they wanted their children and their grandchildren to learn from. And that brings us back to that hot day in June…

Pop said he needed my help in the garden and that I should spend the night with him and Grandmom. Sure! I get to stay up and watch the news, talk sports with Pop, eat home-made chocolate pie? The garden? Okay, whatever. I’m sure I was lukewarm to that part of the itinerary. What, throw a little dirt around? Look for crickets? Whatever, it’ll be fun. (Yeah, I know. I’m smirking as I type these words.) At 5:00 the next morning, he woke me up. He was already in his overalls, shaven, and with biscuits in the skillet. (skillet: n. a frying pan.) I stumbled into the kitchen to see Pop stirring the eggs in the other skillet that had just been used for the patty sausage. While I’m struggling to put the strawberry preserves on my biscuit, Pop was opening the screen door to the yard with his red handkerchief in his back pocket. We were in that garden for two hours and both nearly dying of thirst, exhaustion, and hunger. (smirking again) Pop hadn’t broken a sweat. His day had barely begun. And the only words he said to me up to that point were, “Pick the ones that are turning purple and put them in the bucket. When the bucket’s full, take them to your Grandmom.”Yes sir!” was the expected and only acceptable response in the moment. Though, what I wanted to say was, “I can’t do this anymore. My back hurts. It’s too hot. When do we eat lunch? What time is it? What just bit me?! When is my mom coming to get me?” But alas, it was just me, Pop’s silence, and the unmistakable sound of cicadas in the June heat. Halfway into that bucket, Pop came up to me and said, “Why don’t you go to the porch up yonder and help your Grandmom snap peas.” “Yes sir!” was my enthusiastic reply. He knew. And I knew. I was not accustomed to this kind of work. The only kind of work that my grandfather knew. Hard work. Necessary work. Work to be grateful for. And he handled it like Pop would. With understanding, but only after the weight of the experience settled upon my sunbaked neck. (I’m being melodramatic you say? You get out there in the garden for two hours, then. You’ll see.  Now you’re smirking.)  A lesson from one generation to another. Providing can be difficult, uncertain, and uncomfortable. But it has to be done. And it’s a lesson that has to be passed down.

You’ve learned lessons along the way.

Which ones are you passing down to those coming up behind you?

On this day, a way of life was observed, and lessons were learned that have been passed down to my boys these many years later. And I’d give anything to see that red handkerchief in the garden again. I believe one day I will. And I’ll thank him for what he taught me that day.

To further discuss this article or to learn more about how CapSouth Wealth Management can help, click here to visit our website, or call 800.929.1001 to schedule an appointment to speak with an advisor.

Investment advisory services are offered through CapSouth Partners, Inc, dba CapSouth Wealth Management, an independent registered Investment Advisory firm. Information provided by sources deemed to be reliable. CapSouth does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information. CapSouth does not offer tax, accounting, or legal advice. Consult your tax or legal advisors for all issues that may have tax or legal consequences. This information has been prepared solely for informational purposes, is general in nature and is not intended as specific advice.

  1. (Americans are Carrying Record Household Debt into 2024, Market Watch, Jan 24, 2024)

The Twelve Days of Financial Wisdom: A Holiday Guide

The holiday season is in full swing. Throughout the years our family has grown to include new family members from different cultures and traditions. As we navigate a growing family and offer flexibility around busy holiday schedules, we want to embrace the joy and wonder this time of year without succumbing to the humbug feeling that can easily overtake us if we cling too tightly to old rhythms in this new life-phase.  This year I find myself smack dab in the middle of a home remodel with no kitchen and zero furniture downstairs. In fact, I even found myself cooking dinner in our Master Bathroom the other night! It would be easy to focus on the inconveniences of a remodel, so we’ve chosen to stay positive and be thankful for all that we have been blessed with.  Like the Grinch, I’m having my heart melt by connecting with people this season.  An extra smile at the grocery store, a friendly wave and a thank you to the hard-working delivery people. I can see joy and wonder surrounding me this time of year if I just look around. I recognize this season isn’t the easiest or merry for many. It can be full of tough memories and lost loved ones. There is conflict all over the world reminding us that not everyone is safe and happy this year.  Elvis knew what he was talking about when he sang about a blue Christmas. There especially seems to be a healthy tension this year for holding space for both hurt and hope. If you find yourself in a season where jolly and laughter elude you, then it is my sincere hope that my feeble attempt at some holiday humor brings a smile and a laugh. There’s a reason that I’m a Wealth Advisor and I’m not a stand-up comic, so let’s just keep that in mind too! Without further I do, I give you, “The Twelve Days of Financial Wisdom.”  (P.S. If you can’t help but think of me singing this, let’s just pretend that I’ve got the voice of Mariah Carey belting out these great lines!)

Day 1: Diversify Your Assets Wisely

🎵 “On the first day of Christmas, my Wealth Advisor said to me: Diversify your assets wisely!” 🎵

Just like a well-balanced fruitcake, a diversified investment portfolio is a key ingredient for financial success. While fruitcakes might not be everyone’s favorite, diversification is almost universally adored by savvy investors. Spread your investments across various asset classes – stocks, bonds, real estate – with a goal of reducing risk and increasing potential returns.

Remember, just as a fruitcake brings together different flavors for a delicious outcome, diversification brings together different assets for a well-rounded and resilient investment strategy.

Day 2: Compound Interest, Oh What a Joy!

🎵 “On the second day of Christmas, my Wealth Advisor said to me: Compound interest, oh what a joy!” 🎵

Imagine compound interest as the holiday gift that keeps on giving. Much like a snowball rolling down a hill, your savings can accumulate and grow over time with the magic of compounding. The earlier you start, the larger the snowball – uh, I mean, your savings – becomes.

So, this holiday season, give yourself the gift of an early start on savings and watch your financial snowball grow into a winter wonderland of wealth.

Day 3: Budgeting Bells Are Ringing

🎵 “On the third day of Christmas, my Wealth Advisor said to me: Budgeting bells are ringing!” 🎵

While the holiday bells may be jingling, it’s essential to keep your budget from jangling out of tune. Create a realistic budget that includes your holiday spending, but don’t let it snowball into a financial avalanche. By tracking your expenses, you’ll avoid the post-holiday blues when the credit card bills start singing a less festive tune.

This season, let your budget be your guiding star, ensuring a harmonious and stress-free celebration.

Day 4: Hark! The Herald of Emergency Fund Angels

🎵 “On the fourth day of Christmas, my Wealth Advisor said to me: Hark! The herald of emergency fund angels!” 🎵

Life is full of surprises, and having a robust emergency fund is like having a team of financial angels ready to help when unexpected expenses arrive. Whether it’s a car repair or a sudden medical bill, your emergency fund can be a guardian angel, ensuring your financial stability in times of need.

This holiday season, let your emergency fund be your silent protector, allowing you to enjoy the festivities without worrying about unforeseen financial hiccups.

Day 5: Five Golden Retirement Rings

🎵 “On the fifth day of Christmas, my Wealth Advisor said to me: Five golden retirement rings!” 🎵

Retirement may seem like a distant future, but like the five golden rings in the classic song, it’s a valuable gift that requires careful planning. Help your retirement plans shine brightly by regularly contributing to your retirement accounts. The magic of compounding (Day 2, remember?) can work wonders over the long term, making your golden years truly golden.

This holiday season, make a resolution to invest in your retirement future and enjoy the sparkle of those golden rings in the years to come.

Day 6: Let Tax-Efficient Reindeer Lead the Sleigh

🎵 “On the sixth day of Christmas, my Wealth Advisor said to me: Let tax-efficient reindeer lead the sleigh!” 🎵

Just as Santa relies on his trusty reindeer to navigate the skies, you can rely on tax-efficient strategies to guide your financial sleigh. Take advantage of tax-deferred accounts, tax-free investments, and strategic tax planning to reduce your tax burden. It’s like leaving milk and cookies for the IRS – they get less, and you keep more.

This holiday season, let your financial sleigh be led by tax-efficient reindeer, ensuring a smooth ride toward your financial goals.

Day 7: The Magic of Giving – Charitable Contributions

🎵 “On the seventh day of Christmas, my Wealth Advisor said to me: The magic of giving – charitable contributions!” 🎵

This holiday season, let the spirit of giving extend beyond wrapped presents. Consider incorporating charitable contributions into your financial plan. Just as the warmth of a cozy fire spreads throughout the room, your generosity can create a positive ripple effect in your community and beyond.

Whether it’s supporting a local charity, contributing to a cause close to your heart, or volunteering your time, the act of giving not only makes a difference in the lives of others but also adds a meaningful dimension to your financial journey.

This holiday season, let the magic of giving be a guiding light, illuminating the path to a more compassionate and fulfilling financial future.

Day 8: Making a List, Checking It Twice – Financial Goals, That Is!

🎵 “On the eighth day of Christmas, my Wealth Advisor said to me: Making a list, checking it twice – financial goals, that is!” 🎵

Santa isn’t the only one who needs a list. Outline your financial goals clearly and revisit them regularly. Whether it’s saving for a dream vacation, a home, or your children’s education, having a well-defined list keeps you on track. Checking it twice? That’s reviewing and adjusting your goals as life evolves.

This holiday season, take a cue from Santa and keep your financial list in order – it’s a key to turning your dreams into reality.

Day 9: Wise Men (and Women) Seek Professional Advice

🎵 “On the ninth day of Christmas, my Wealth Advisor said to me: Wise men (and women) seek professional advice!” 🎵

Even the three wise men sought guidance when following the star. Similarly, seeking advice from financial professionals can provide you with the direction needed for a successful financial journey. Whether it’s investment strategies, tax planning, or retirement advice, a wealth advisor can be your guiding star.

This holiday season, be wise and seek the expertise of financial professionals to navigate the complex constellations of the financial world.

Day 10: The Gift of Education Keeps on Giving

🎵 “On the tenth day of Christmas, my Wealth Advisor said to me: The gift of education keeps on giving!” 🎵

Investing in education is a gift that lasts a lifetime. Whether for yourself, your children, or future generations, education is a powerful tool for personal and financial growth. Like the knowledge passed down through generations, the gift of education can open doors and create lasting legacies.

This holiday season, consider the gift of education as an investment in a brighter and more informed future.

Day 11: A Partridge in a Pear Tree – Invest in Your Home Nest

🎵 “On the eleventh day of Christmas, my Wealth Advisor said to me: A partridge in a pear tree – invest in your home nest!” 🎵

Just as the partridge nests in a pear tree for security, your home is your nest egg. Invest in your property wisely, keeping it well-maintained and considering home improvements that can enhance its value. Your home is not only a place of comfort but also a significant part of your financial portfolio.

This holiday season, let your home be a cozy and well-nurtured nest, providing both emotional and financial security.

Day 12: Drumroll, Please – The Beat of Financial Independence!

🎵 “On the twelfth day of Christmas, my Wealth Advisor said to me: Drumroll, please – the beat of financial independence!” 🎵

As we wrap up our Twelve Days of Financial Wisdom, let’s revel in the grand finale – financial independence. Just as the drumroll builds anticipation, the path to financial independence requires steady and disciplined beats. By saving diligently, making thoughtful investments, and planning for the future, you orchestrate the melody of financial success. Picture the day when you can confidently march to the rhythm of financial freedom, knowing your efforts have created a harmonious and secure future.

There you have it – “The Twelve Days of Financial Wisdom!” May the holiday season bring not only cheer and laughter, but also a renewed focus on your financial well-being.

As we close the chapter on this financial carol and wave goodbye to the year that’s making its exit, let’s hold on tight to the everlasting beat of relationship wisdom in our lives. Think of it like the cozy soundtrack of laughter we share with our favorite people, the easy flow of understanding that feels like a familiar tune, and the big, exciting moments we hit together – they’re all part of the warm symphony of our collective journey. Just like a family dinner where everyone’s got a seat at the table (that you hopefully didn’t prepare in your Master Bathroom), our connections make the kind of music that gives life its colorful rhythm. So, here’s to the echoes of good times, the easy chats, and the solid support that keep our shared story sounding just right.

Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season filled with warmth, joy, and a financially sound future. Cheers to a prosperous New Year ahead!

To learn more about CapSouth Wealth Management, visit

Article by: Jennifer Fensley, CFP®️,CRPS®️

CapSouth Partners, Inc, dba CapSouth Wealth Management, is an independent registered Investment Advisory firm. CapSouth does not offer tax, accounting or legal advice. Consult your tax or legal advisors for all issues that may have tax or legal consequences. This information has been prepared solely for informational purposes, is general in nature, and is not intended as specific advice. This article was produced with the assistance of ChatGPT (Version 3.5) in December 2023; Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence model owned by OpenAI. CapSouth is not affiliated with OpenAI.

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