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The Best Filter Ever


Filter:  a porous article or mass (as of paper or sand) through which a gas or liquid is passed to separate out matter in suspension.

From the above definition, our minds may race to oil or air filters for the automobile or home, perhaps. And with good reason. Improper use or neglect of such filters will certainly prove costly as the engine or unit it was designed to protect could be damaged. A $20.00 oil change and filter is not a huge expense considering the thousands that could be spent repairing an engine with no filter or maybe an ineffective one.  But what about a filter for life’s often complicated decisions? Well, 2014 may be your lucky year because such a filter exists. And it won’t cost you a dime – just the time it takes to ask yourself the following question:

In light of my past experience, my present circumstances, and my future hopes and dreams, what is the wise thing for me to do?

Apply this question to your life and see how your decision process becomes simpler. The answer may still be hard to digest, but the process will be much easier. Directions for use:  Apply filter…and leave it. Throw away any unused anxiety and paralyzing deliberation.

I can take no credit for the above nugget of wisdom. You can thank North Point Community Church pastor, Andy Stanley.
Follow this link for more information on:  The Best Question Ever

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