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What’s Your Sign?


Okay. Call me a cynic, but I’ve never been one to put my faith in prognostications made by people who read cards, roll chicken bones, or who answer to the name Dionne Warwick. So how I stumbled upon my horoscope today is beyond me. Just curious, I guess. And for all us Tauruses, our horoscope declares,

“…it’s important for you to think deeply about your current financial situation. Go through paperwork, and make sure you know what’s happening…If you aren’t certain what to do for the best, pick the brains of a financial whizz, such as a bank manager or a clued-up friend.”

Let’s see what we really have here for the ol’ bull…

“It’s important for you to think deeply about your current financial situation.” Great. And while you’re thinking as deeply as you might, you will accomplish nothing. I can think all day long about cutting the grass, but it won’t make the grass any shorter. (However, I can let my 15-year old cut it so that I can think deeply about other stuff.) Being a good steward of your finances requires management – and management implies control, guardianship, oversight, protection, safekeeping…not “deep thinking”…sheesh.

“Go through your paperwork,” Fair enough. If you have a stack of paper that needs to be gone through, then do it. Once it’s gone, however, you must treat the cause so that you won’t have to deal with the symptom. Go through your mail when it arrives and file it, scan it, or shred it – but don’t stack it. And certainly don’t ignore it. One possible solution: Pay your bills online and avoid a great deal of paper. Have it done automatically or do it manually at a date of your choosing. The only stacks you need are made of cash…or Pringles, maybe. Both are good. Strike that, invest or deposit the cash and eat the Pringles. Stacks are for hoarders.

“…pick the brains of a financial whizz, such as a bank manager or a clued-up friend.” And here’s where the wheels officially fall off for me. Nothing against bank managers or friends, but I recommend you apply the appropriate amount of discretion in selecting your source of financial counsel. Choose someone who deals specifically with financial planning. Someone who not only thinks deeply about it, but who’s reputation is built upon how well they understand their client’s particular situation and can provide sound solutions accordingly. Go to the bank to deposit your stacks of cash, maybe, and invite your “clued-up” friend over to share your Pringles with, but seek a financial planner to help you become a good steward of your financial resources.

Seeing how this works, now, please allow me to dabble in the world of soothsaying:

Today you will read a blog that tastes as water does to a camel in the desert. (They drink water, right?) You will tell others about this blog and they will shower you with accolades. You will lose 10 pounds as a result of this blog, and your estranged relationships will suddenly bear fruit. You will not win the lottery but your hair will suddenly thicken and upward mobility in your profession will appear imminent. As a result, you will continue reading this blog and will take more naps and spend more time with your kids.

Take away: Anyone can write a horoscope, but not every horoscope writer should be entrusted with financial planning….and I’ll just leave it at that.



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