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Tag: Assets

Why You Don’t Need Assets to Work With a Financial Advisor

In the realm of financial planning, a common misconception persists: the belief that you need significant assets before working with a financial advisor. However, this notion couldn’t be further from the truth. Planning for your financial future is paramount, especially during your accumulation years when crucial decisions are made that can shape your later life.

Consider this: if you don’t start planning early, how do you really know that you can retire at that goal age you already have in mind? How will you know if you can afford insurance, to travel, or leave a legacy for your loved ones? The answers to these questions lie in proactive financial planning, regardless of your current asset level.

Working with a financial advisor shouldn’t be a step taken only when retirement is approaching. Instead, it’s about putting a unique-for-you, comprehensive plan in place to achieve your long-term financial goals. This proactive approach ensures that you’re equipped with the knowledge and strategies necessary to navigate life’s twists and turns.

One of the most significant benefits of early engagement with a financial advisor is gaining clarity on your financial trajectory. With a well-defined plan in place, you’ll have a roadmap outlining how to reach your goals, whether it’s retiring comfortably, traveling the world, or leaving a meaningful legacy.

However, it’s essential to understand that the role of a financial advisor extends far beyond occasional meetings at your workplace to discuss your employee 401(k). An effective advisory relationship should encompass ongoing guidance, regular touchpoints and meetings, education, and personalized support tailored to your unique circumstances and goals. A relationship with an advisor should be personal.

Many individuals underestimate the value of financial education and guidance, often unaware of what they don’t know. Yet, the importance of being informed about your financial options cannot be overstated. As the saying goes, “A goal without a plan is simply a wish.” By working with a financial advisor early on, you transform your unspoken retirement wish list into tangible plans, increasing the likelihood of seeing them come to fruition.

Ultimately, the decision to engage with a financial advisor as early as possible in your financial journey can yield invaluable benefits. It’s not about your current asset level but rather about setting a solid foundation for your financial future.

What fears are holding you back? What pain points do you have that need to be addressed? Perhaps, the thought of confronting your financial realities feels overwhelming or intimidating. Maybe there’s uncertainty about where to begin or skepticism about the value of financial planning. Though all these reasons are common and realistic, it’s crucial to recognize that the longer you delay addressing these concerns, the greater the potential impact on your long-term financial well-being. Procrastination can lead to missed opportunities and unnecessary stress down the road. By acknowledging your apprehensions and taking that first step towards financial empowerment, you can overcome obstacles and pave the way for a more secure future.

To learn more about our process and how to take the first step to work with an advisor at CapSouth Wealth Management visit our website at or Connect With Us.

CapSouth Partners, Inc, dba CapSouth Wealth Management, is an independent registered Investment Advisory firm. CapSouth does not offer tax, accounting or legal advice. Consult your tax or legal advisors for all issues that may have tax or legal consequences. This information has been prepared solely for informational purposes, is general in nature, and is not intended as specific advice. This article was produced with the assistance of ChatGPT (April 24 Version); Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence

Exercise Financial Muscles to Get Financially Fit

“Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense.” This ancient advice from Proverbs illustrates the importance of financial fitness.

What is financial fitness? Well, we are all familiar with the term physical fitness. If pressed for a definition, we might define it in terms of our own ideas and circumstances.

When it comes to an explanation of financial fitness, the same applies. A lot may simply depend on the season you are in. Financial fitness might mean something different to someone who is single versus a couple with young kids, an empty-nester or a retiree. Even within those demographics, one’s perception could be colored by personal circumstances. Are you saddled with debt, debt-free, renting or a homeowner?

There are many ways to get ahold of your finances; you can increase earnings, lower spending, start saving more (short-term and longer-term) and implement debt management. For many, earnings are difficult to influence in the short-term.  For most, tackling the spending side of the equation will yield the quickest results. Below we consider six principles that will help you get into financially fit shape wherever you find yourself in life.

6 principles for financial fitness

 “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”—Benjamin Franklin

  1. Set goals. If you don’t have concrete financial goals, both shorter term and longer term, reaching some level of financial fitness becomes much more problematic. Simply put – you don’t have a destination. You are financially adrift. As George Harrison has noted, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.”

Short-term goals you might consider: Establishing three to six months of cash in an emergency fund, saving for a down payment on a home or auto, or saving for a vacation.

Long-term goals you might consider: College savings for your kids or saving 10-15% of your income for retirement.

  • Do you know what ‘buckets’ your income lands in? How do you spend your income? If you aren’t tracking expenditures, you won’t have a holistic picture.

You might be surprised at how much you spend on eating out, on entertainment, and even on a daily habit of barista-prepared lattes.Unnecessary spending can be diverted into savings or paying off debt, especially high interest rate credit cards. Make timely payments. This will not only prevent you from accruing needless fees, but it will raise your credit score.

Once credit cards are paid off, channel the excess funds into savings. When you accomplish shorter-term goals, reward yourself. It need not be extravagant, but accomplishments should be celebrated.

Finally, you will struggle to follow a plan that is too draconian. Trim frivolous spending but leave some room for fun and hobbies.

  • Your lifestyle shouldn’t exceed your income. If it does, you are burning through savings or taking on debt, and your stress level will likely reflect it.

Excessive spending is not a path that leads to financial fitness. You want financial space in your life. You want ‘money at the end of the month,’ not ‘month at the end of your money.’ A budget is your blueprint that helps achieve this goal.

  • Invest wisely. Among various factors, your financial goals, both shorter and longer term, will greatly influence the proper mix of investments. A diversified portfolio that crosses the spectrum can reduce risk and enhance your return over the long run.

“Don’t look for the needle in the haystack. Just buy the haystack!” advises John Bogle, founder of Vanguard. In other words, diversify!

We are here to assist you with that. Our recommendations are tailored to your financial goals and your unique circumstances.

We avoid get-rich-quick schemes, which are usually nothing more than schemes minus the riches. Accumulation of wealth over a longer period is our goal. We believe it should be yours, too.

“Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.” says Paul Samuelson, the first American to win the Nobel prize in economics.

  • Enjoy your retirement. Many enter retirement after accumulating wealth over decades. They have learned how to save. For some, suddenly relying on that savings rather than earning income from labor seems like a daunting leap, one they may be ill-prepared to make. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Your financial plan continues to be a valuable resource in retirement.  Your level of spending in retirement, both regular expenses and those planned extras along the way, along with how much risk you should be taking, when and how to draw Social Security and other sources of income…these factors and more should be considered within a sound financial plan. 

Clients are often surprised when we encourage them to spend more money.  As you work to identify your values and what is important to you, we want to see you realize those dreams and enjoy your life to the best of your ability.  Your plan serves as an outline that arms you with knowledge of necessary guardrails and enhances your financial fitness.

  • Protect your assets. Do you have life insurance, health insurance, and personal liability insurance? Do you have a will and estate plan? Who are your beneficiaries? What happens if you become disabled? Do you have a trusted advisor to handle your affairs? What about a back-up?

If you own your home without a mortgage, do you have homeowners’ insurance? Surprise, not all do. If you rent, renters’ insurance is cheap. It’s a must-have item in our opinion.

Absorbing the fundamentals—the foundation for success

Those who fail to put sound principles into practice are like those who build their homes on sand. The rains come and the winds blow, and financial misfortune overtakes them.

Wisdom encourages us to build our homes on a solid financial foundation. Though the rains come and the winds blow (and they will), the house and foundation are designed to withstand financial storms. In the words of Maren Morris, “If the bones are good, the rest don’t matter!”

Every situation is unique. You may have mastered the fundamentals, and only need to apply the principles we highlighted selectively, plugging small holes and shoring up your finances. Or a more aggressive approach might be in order. Focus on one theme at a time. Some may apply. Others may not.

Having said all that, we never want to give the impression that you are all alone on a financial lifeboat. We are always here to assist.

To learn more about CapSouth Wealth Management and the services we offer, visit our website at or

By:  Scott F. McDowall, CFP® | Wealth Advisor

CapSouth Partners, Inc, dba CapSouth Wealth Management, is an independent registered Investment Advisory firm. Information provided by sources deemed to be reliable. CapSouth does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information. CapSouth does not offer tax, accounting or legal advice. Consult your tax or legal advisors for all issues that may have tax or legal consequences. This information has been prepared solely for informational purposes, is general in nature and is not intended as specific advice. Any performance data quoted represents past performance; past performance is no guarantee of future results. This article contains external links to third party content (content hosted on sites unaffiliated with CapSouth). CapSouth makes no representations whatsoever regarding any third party content/sites that may be accessible directly or indirectly from this article. Linking to these third party sites in no way implies an endorsement or affiliation of any kind between CapSouth and any third party, including legal authorization to use any trademark, trade name, logo, or copyrighted materials belonging to either entity.

Reverse Budgeting

How Much Do I Spend in Retirement?  Does it Really Matter?  What if I could budget without…budgeting?

At CapSouth, it is our mission to help clients define and live their One Best Financial Life™.  We challenge clients to consider their values and what is important to them, and then to develop actionable goals that we endeavor to help them achieve.  This leads to the need to have a sound financial plan in place that considers a client’s assets and resources, and projects their probability of meeting those stated goals.  We want clients to live with confidence in peace of mind, knowing that they are on track to live the life they want to live.  Sometimes the focus of planning needs to be encouraging a client to scale back and pace their spending to allow for a more secure retirement.  Other times that planning focus should be to urge a client to spend more, to travel, to take the family with them on vacations and make memories…to live their life more fully.  In all cases, we are looking for the client’s confidence zone in their plan to serve as guard rails, so that they are not worried about running out of money, and on the other end, they are not leaving significant assets behind that are unplanned for.

More often than not, it seems, we meet with clients who do not have a clear idea of how much they spend.  Particularly when a couple nearing retirement comes to us as a new prospect, a common answer is that they have just always lived within their means, or spent less than they made.  How much you spend in retirement is very important in planning.  Depending on your age at retirement and your assets, a seemingly small change in your annual spending can make a significant difference in the success of your plan.  Many people plan for thirty years or more in retirement – a long time for inflation and market fluctuations to catch up with you and to affect your probability of meeting all your goals and objectives.  We have invested in sophisticated software to factor in these variables for you, to allow you to simply think of how much you will need for retirement in today’s dollars.  That does require us, though, to have an accurate number for that element.  Whether we are planning for annual living expenses of $50,000 or $500,000, we need some assurance that this number is reliable.

But who wants to budget?  You should see some of the facial expressions we get when we mention that “B word”!  And if you are newly in, or approaching, retirement, how do you really know what your retirement lifestyle will be and what it will cost you?  Further, trying to look at past or future spending can be even more difficult when you have varying sources of income throughout the year.  Fear not, we have a solution.  Reverse Budgeting.  I believe in giving credit where it is due, so I will tell you this is not my concept; I learned it from CapSouth’s founder, Donald Bolden, years ago, and I have been recommending it to clients in retirement ever since. 

Here’s how it works:

  1. As best you can, come up with an idea of what you expect your basic living expenses to be in retirement.  This should not include other specified goals in your plan such as travel, new cars, etc., but your basic living expenses of utilities, groceries, fuel, clothing, dining out, and the like.  For illustration purposes, let’s say that number comes out to $5,000 per month.
  2. Now, figure up what regular income sources you have such as Social Security, pensions, rental income, etc.  For this number, let’s assume $3,000 per month.
  3. Set up an “operating account” for your household and start it with a cushion balance of your comfort level.  Let’s use $25,000. (Note:  You and your spouse may decide to have two operating accounts; the concept still works.)
  4. We would then work with you to establish a conservative Cash Management Account (CMA) among your accounts at Schwab, from which we would establish a recurring monthly transfer of the $2,000 per month to supplement your income and meet your expected expenses of $5,000 per month.  We typically recommend this transfer being set up to occur on the 5th of each month rather than the 1st, to help track which deposit was for which month and to not allow weekends or holidays to confuse things.
  5. What about those random sources of income throughout the year?  Still employed and have a varying income?  Receive additional bonuses?  It is so easy to allow yourself to quickly spend that seemingly “extra” income without realizing it, giving yourself (and us) an inaccurate picture of the cost of your lifestyle.  Under the Reverse Budgeting model, all variable income is deposited into the cash management account at Schwab, adding to the funds available to provide for your monthly transfers to your operating account.
  6. It is likely no surprise to you that some months will cost more than others.  You may have family visiting and spend more on groceries.  You might have an anniversary and treat yourself to a nice dinner and some gifts to celebrate.  Your refrigerator might need to be repaired or replaced.  However, if we look back at this operating account in six months, a year, or more, we can get an idea of what you were really spending. 

If that $25,000 cushion is down to $5,000, then we have a problem and need to make adjustments.  We would review to see if there were a number of non-recurring, unexpected expenses during that period, or if life just cost more than you thought.  We could increase the goal for living expenses in the plan to see if the new amount is still successful or what trade-offs need to be considered.  If your regular monthly expenses are $6,000 or $7,000, then maybe you need to consider reducing those big trips each year from three down to two. 

If that cushion is up to $50,000, we also have an inaccurate plan and need to make adjustments.  We might encourage you to consider what goals you had for retirement spending that you haven’t been doing and challenge you to do what you said that you valued.  It could also open the door for more travel, giving to charity or your family, upgrading your vehicle, buying a second home…whatever that looks like for you.  If you are doing everything you want to, then we need to acknowledge that you are going to likely leave more behind than you might have thought, and we may need to review your estate plan to make sure it aligns with your wishes.

This is a simplified example, and we recognize that yours may be more complex.  Life certainly will happen, and circumstances will change.  Planning is never complete, and we continue to monitor, review, and update assumptions over time.  Reverse Budgeting is a tool that can help to provide more confidence and reliability to your financial planning process, without having to focus on the “B word” of budgeting.  We may not be able to tell where the money is going, but we (and you) can tell how much is needed to maintain your lifestyle.

To discuss this article further or to learn more about CapSouth Wealth Management, visit our website at or call 800.929.1001 to schedule an appointment to speak with an advisor.

By: Scott McDowall, CFP®

Investment advisory services are offered through CapSouth Partners, Inc, dba CapSouth Wealth Management, an independent registered Investment Advisory firm. Information provided by sources deemed to be reliable. CapSouth does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information. CapSouth does not offer tax, accounting, or legal advice. Consult your tax or legal advisors for all issues that may have tax or legal consequences. This information has been prepared solely for informational purposes, is general in nature and is not intended as specific advice. Any performance data quoted represents past performance; past performance is no guarantee of future results.

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